Protecting the title of “Veterinary Nurse”
We are proud to be celebrating Vet Nursing Awareness Month this May. Did you know the title of ‘Veterinary Nurse’ is not a legally protected one? Currently, anyone can call themselves a “veterinary nurse” without qualifications or registration.
Our registered veterinary nurses (RVNs), Jason and Rosie, hold approved qualifications and are registered on the RCVS Register of Veterinary Nurses. This means they are accountable for their conduct and subject to the standards set by the Veterinary Nurses Council. Our Student Veterinary Nurses (SVNs), Victoria and Sophie, are also registered with the RCVS as students and are similarly held to a set of standards.
We fully support the title being protected, as do the RCVS and British Vet Nursing Association who are behind legislation to protect the professional title. At Heathfield Vets, we only refer to our Registered VNs and SVNs as “veterinary nurses” and endeavour to make this distinction clear to our clients. Our nurses wear uniforms denoting their role in practice and as either RVNs, SVNs or kennel assistants and their titles are made as clear as possible in all communication with clients. We want our clients to know their pets are being cared for by people held to only the highest standards.