At this time of year it seems that chocolate is everywhere! Whilst we may enjoy tucking into our Easter eggs, if our pets get into it, it can spell disaster!
Chocolate is incredibly toxic to our pets.
Cats and dogs can’t metabolise the theobromine in chocolate, which can lead to a fatal build up in their system.
Symptoms of poisoning include
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Rapid breathing
- Increased heart rate
- Seizures
So do remember to keep Easter eggs well out of reach of pets.
It’s best to avoid them, but if you’re planning an Easter egg hunt for the kids, keep your cats and dogs inside until you’re sure ALL the chocolate has been removed – and be equally careful to warn them if your neighbours have cats who come into your garden.
It’s a good time to educate children about the dangers of chocolate to animals and teach them not to share their snacks with our four-legged friends!
If you think your pet has eaten chocolate, please call us immediately on 01435 864422. We will need to know how much and what kind of chocolate it is (wrappers are helpful!).