We are very proud to have been awarded Silver Rabbit Friendly Practice status by the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF) since 2019. This means that our vets, facilities and clinical protocols have been comprehensively assessed by the rabbit specialist vets at RWAF and that Heathfield Vets shows a high level of care and consideration for our rabbit patients.
What makes Heathfield Vets ‘rabbit friendly’?
Rabbit savvy vets and nurses
Our clinical team are enthusiastic about rabbit care, from safe and comfortable handling to learning more about the newest treatments available to rabbits. We perform rabbit dental and neutering procedures routinely with a team of student or registered vet nurses on hand to monitor them closely during their anaesthetic and recovery.
Excellent facilities
We understand the importance of our rabbit patients feeling safe; as prey animals, they are more susceptible to feelings of stress and anxiety when visiting the vets. We offer a separate waiting room for animals in carriers where they can be placed above the floor, and blankets to cover their carriers to reduce outside noises and scents.
Rabbit friendly hospitalisation
Hospitalisation can be stressful for rabbits so we try to make the experience as peaceful as possible. We encourage owners to bring along their rabbit’s companion where appropriate as well as familiar things like their favourite food, toys or blankets. We always try to accommodate each bunny’s individual needs, whether they prefer a ceramic bowl to a plastic bowl for their water or love a fresh dandelion. We have even tried starting our own herb garden, though it turns out we are excellent vets but not great gardeners!
Whilst we do not have a separate rabbit ward (we would if we had the space!), we do endeavour to keep bunnies hospitalised away from other species, with front facing cages to reduce direct eye contact and isolation facilities for stressed patients.
Routine preventative health care
We strongly recommend annual vaccinations for rabbits against myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease 1 & 2 which can be administered in a single yearly dose. We also advise protecting rabbits against flystrike with a preventative topical treatment during the summer months alongside multiple daily checks.
Emergency care
Our reception team are trained to triage emergencies and ensure rabbits that need urgent or critical care are seen as soon as possible by our vet and nurse team.
Advice for rabbit owners
Our team are always on hand if you need advice about bunny medical care or husbandry. We also have an extensive rabbit pet care library and post lots of interesting bunny stories and information via our social media.
Call us on 01435 864422 if you would like more information about our rabbit friendly status.