Food allergies in pets are not all that common, but we do see occasional cases here at Heathfield Vets. Unlike humans, an animal’s reaction to an allergen is usually seen through the skin, as a chronic itch.
Pets with food allergies usually show signs before the age of 3 and may suffer from excessive itching, recurrent skin or ear infections and possibly some upset stomach troubles.
It is best to contact us if you notice any symptoms, so we can properly diagnose the cause of the reaction.
Testing for allergies
We can test for food allergies or intolerances by carrying out a dietary exclusion trial; feeding your pet only certain foods for a period of 8 weeks, so as to check whether the possible cause is among them / or is among the excluded foods.
Blood testing can also be performed which can show if a pet is positive or negative for a reaction to the proteins in certain plants or meat.
There are medications available which can ease the itch for your pet, while the cause is narrowed down.
Allergies cannot normally be cured as such, but avoiding the trigger altogether will provide the same result. We will always discuss the best way to manage your pet’s allergies with you.
As ever, if you have any queries about your pet’s health, please call us on 01435 864422.